
Building a unified and cohesive culture for your frontline workforce & driving collaboration.

Trust & Transparency
Driving ‘speak up’ culture
Last mile connect
info-squareDid you know?
Close to 51% of your frontline workforce are actively disengaged which poses an exponential risk to your operations.

Build Trust & Transparency by leaning into the ‘Voice of your Workforce’ with our advanced analytics & response management dashboard.

Facilitating a ‘Speak Up’ culture

Equip your frontline workforce with communication tools designed to break barriers. Support anonymous and secure sharing of concerns or best practices, respecting internal policies.

Engage better with Last Mile reach

Push contextual communication to the last mile. Monitor indicators that directly impact the operational atmosphere & respond directly to the workforce to instil a sense of belonging.

Incentivise positive behaviours & outcomes

Drive motivation & satisfaction levers by incentivising positive behaviours transparently. Offer your workforce a gamified experience!

Why people work
with us
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